How do I change my font color?
The standard default color in the forums is black. If you would like to change the color of your typeset while posting in a thread, simply add the following BEFORE your body text enclosed inside these brackets, [ ] color=x where x is a color name like blue. At the END of the body text, you must close the color with /color in [ ]. These tags are NOT case sensitive.
For example, I want to make my font color red (for my name & date to the posts I create) - I use the color=red choice followed by my name & date - and close it with the /color brackets like this: Lori.
If you want to make your font colors different throughout your post, simply add the color tags before and after the specific sentences. Don't forget to close it with the end (or) /color brackets!
It would look like this. It would look like this. It would look like this.
That's all there is to it! A tip: Paste your writings from Word or NotePad into a new thread and then simply add these font color tags afterwards.
In your Control Panel - Personal Info page - there is a wide range of color choices at the bottom of the page. You can also select a 'standard default' color for all your postings from there.
Some examples of colors are:
tan aqua teal maroon purple pink gray blue orange navy orchid yellow green red white
Good luck! If you need help, please let us know! Thank you. Mosaic Musings Staff
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