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> We Need Your Help..., A housekeeping request
post Oct 21 07, 16:22
Post #1

Mosaic Master
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Group: Administrator
Posts: 18,892
Joined: 1-August 03
From: Massachusetts
Member No.: 2
Real Name: Lori Kanter
Writer of: Poetry & Prose
Referred By:Imhotep

Hello all, wave.gif

WE NEED YOUR HELP! cheer.gif

Let me start by saying the entire management team thanks you very much for your interest and support in workshopping poetry at MM. Mosaic Musings is a writers’ workshop for those seeking genuine commentary and criticism on their works. Newcomers are very welcome. This board is for you, by you and the fostering of feedback is most welcomed to make it the best workshop for your individual writing growth. By offering friendly, yet thorough, critiques, we will support and encourage members to polish their work in a setting that is relaxed, fun and challenging. We offer a variety of critique and exhibition forums, exercises, poetry and prose education, challenges and competitions suitable for all writers, from novice to expert.

Having reiterated our mission above, I'd like to focus on a few items of interest. Your feedback helps us to gain perspective on what is in our control to improve on and provides us with a plan of action on how to achieve those goals. Recently, there has been an increase in some habitual posting trends we'd like to curb. We've been slow, along with many sites, which is normal for this time of year. However, many of us do pop in, take a peek and see no one else on or no new posts and then decide not to log in. So, our first request is to ask of those who do peek in often, to log in and post one critique in a crit forum or one comment in a non-crit topic (or more of course), allowing others to follow suit, enacting change. That change can start with just one post. My personal goal is to make at least one reply each time I visit MM. Maybe others will too and that is the start of something new and wonderful.

Now, on to request #2. It is very easy to post a one line, high praise reply. We all do it from time to time, and there are times when that one sentence says so much. However, I want to stress our mission again, to encourage workshopping through honest, yet thorough critiques. High praise commentary should really be geared to those poems that you honestly feel are worth such praise. It is very crushing to a writer to receive high praise from one board and then post at another board thinking their work is all that, only to get knocked down. I'm not saying this to anyone in particular, but know from experience what it feels like. IMHO, I'd much rather have the honest crits, than an atta-boy. At least I would know what is weak and could then focus my efforts on those aspects of my work.

Request #3 has been mentioned by several members: It seems there is a shift in the style of critique offered. There appears to be a generally-accepted standard of rewrites in lieu of in-depth critique. This is troublesome IF the critter isn't offering specific reasons as to the rewrite, which may not be taken in the proper context by the original author. When offering a crit, please tell the author the reasons behind your suggestions. If those changes warrant a rewrite, that's fine as long as you've explained it in your response. We must remember that our poets post topics to have them workshopped with improvement/education and learning in mind. Even if you are new to critting, one area of focus might be: Do you understand the message the writer is presenting? If not, there is your starting point.

The last item, request #4, again was mentioned by several members: The overwhelming preponderance of quotes within quotes within quotes within quotes when replying in kind. Years ago, when we formed MM, our site attorney had advised to never quote another writer's work in its entirety, for copyright reasons. It's fine to quote certain lines, passages, but try to steer clear of quoting an entire work, even in a crit environment. Knowing we operate a workshop forum and that this is habitually done all over the internet, we never really paid much attention to it. However, lately, a few mods have been editing those 'quotes in quotes' replies because they detract, cause more paper waste (when printing a thread) and in most cases are not necessary. It's also more work for us that could be better utilized elsewhere on the board. wink.gif

Part of this could be simply a lack of understanding how to use the various posting features of our board. There are some threds in the FAQ forum as well as in our HELP files that I hope will be of use to you. Why not just play around with the features too when time permits?

Displayed below each post/reply in a topic, there is a 'Quote' button. Pressing this button will allow you to reply to a topic, and have the text from that particular reply quoted in your own reply. When you choose to do this, an extra text field will appear below the main text input box to allow you to edit the content of the post being quoted. We highly recommend that you either remove the two quote tags surrounding the body of text you just clicked on and any erroneous wording you are not focusing on when offering your critiques. You might also consider just quoting individual passages OR make those passages a different font style or color, like italic or bold - or make your replies another font style. I can certainly walk through the posting features with any of our members as well. We can even set up a time and meet in our chatroom if that works for you. The recommended method is to click the 'ADD REPLY' button instead located underneath the last post in a topic. You can always copy/paste previous replies as well into your own, and once you get the hang of it, can utilize our multi-quote button.

Well, that's our housekeeping requests. Please do let us know your thoughts, and ask if you need any assistance.

Cheers all!
~Cleo, AMETHYST and Imhotep


"It's a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door. You step into the Road, and if you don't keep your feet, there is no knowing where you might be swept off to." ~ J.R.R Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings

Collaboration feeds innovation. In the spirit of workshopping, please revisit those threads you've critiqued to see if the author has incorporated your ideas, or requests further feedback from you. In addition, reciprocate with those who've responded to you in kind.

"I believe it is the act of remembrance, long after our bones have turned to dust, to be the true essence of an afterlife." ~ Lorraine M. Kanter

Nominate a poem for the InterBoard Poetry Competition by taking into careful consideration those poems you feel would best represent Mosaic Musings. For details, click into the IBPC nomination forum. Did that poem just captivate you? Nominate it for the Faery award today! If perfection of form allured your muse, propose the Crown Jewels award. For more information, click here!

"Worry looks around, Sorry looks back, Faith looks up." ~ Early detection can save your life.

MM Award Winner
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Mary Boren
post Oct 21 07, 21:23
Post #2

Creative Chieftain

Group: Bronze Member
Posts: 600
Joined: 14-April 07
From: Texas Hill Country
Member No.: 420
Real Name: Mary Boren
Writer of: Poetry
Referred By:Kathy Earsman

Thanks for this thread, Lori. I'll confess I had all but lost interest in workshopping here because of the difficulty of wading through nested quotes. Maybe this forum software is too sophisticated for the average bear, but I consider it a design flaw that it's easier to quote the entire message than to find the reply button. If begging will help, though, I'm with ya.

Ditto on the other things mentioned too. You've invested too much of yourself into this place to stand by and let it become a vanity site. I don't want my poems rewritten; I want to know what works and what doesn't, and why. That is, assuming I ever write another one. unsure.gif I'll do as you ask and see if critiquing will prime the pump, as it has before.

Thanks again for giving birth to MM and mothering it with love.



Mary Sullivan Boren
Connecting ... Even Yet
"There is in all things - a hidden wholeness." -Thomas Merton

MM Award Winner
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post Oct 22 07, 05:36
Post #3

Mosaic Master
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Group: Administrator
Posts: 18,892
Joined: 1-August 03
From: Massachusetts
Member No.: 2
Real Name: Lori Kanter
Writer of: Poetry & Prose
Referred By:Imhotep

Thank you very much, Mary. cheer.gif

I don't mind clicking that quote button myself (it is easier to find than the ADD REPLY one), but I generally will remove the quoted section once I have written my response if applicable or adjust those quote BB tags to shorter passages.

I often find that the process of critiquing can help find my muse again, hopefully it will for you too! writersblock.gif

Best regards,
~Lori Pharoah.gif


"It's a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door. You step into the Road, and if you don't keep your feet, there is no knowing where you might be swept off to." ~ J.R.R Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings

Collaboration feeds innovation. In the spirit of workshopping, please revisit those threads you've critiqued to see if the author has incorporated your ideas, or requests further feedback from you. In addition, reciprocate with those who've responded to you in kind.

"I believe it is the act of remembrance, long after our bones have turned to dust, to be the true essence of an afterlife." ~ Lorraine M. Kanter

Nominate a poem for the InterBoard Poetry Competition by taking into careful consideration those poems you feel would best represent Mosaic Musings. For details, click into the IBPC nomination forum. Did that poem just captivate you? Nominate it for the Faery award today! If perfection of form allured your muse, propose the Crown Jewels award. For more information, click here!

"Worry looks around, Sorry looks back, Faith looks up." ~ Early detection can save your life.

MM Award Winner
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post Oct 22 07, 20:46
Post #4

Ornate Oracle

Group: Gold Member
Posts: 2,085
Joined: 24-May 04
From: Time, Immoral
Member No.: 66
Writer of: Poetry

I'm popping in to say hello and that I've opened the thread. It will take a bit of considering and re-reading before I jump in totally.

I've largely given up critiquing for several reasons - 1 is that I'm rather tired of it after a number of years, including several at FQ where I was the "headmaster." However, I support the concept fully and encourage it. The opposite is evident among so many who do not subscribe, and of course, do not learn or change.

My feelings about the critiquing style parallel Mary's, and perhaps I get annoyed over a few more things as well. I can't stand quote-on-quote ad infinitum, and have pretty well always skimmed over those without stopping to see what's inside. One reason is it's a matter of intelligence/insult, I CAN READ, and know what is above so please don't bring it down a second, third, four hundredth time. I can also move the little zipper, known as scroll bar should I wish to go up and see what's what.

I adore the mushy comments. In fact, I've often wanted to create my own list, numbered 1, 2, 3, & 4. I could then simply reply with a number and the recipient would know just how beautiful I thought his/her work was, or how many days I couldn't sleep because of it.

That said, because I don't jump in and critique off the top, I'll post a non-committal remark to say that I was there and read, rather than only flying off. It's sometimes disconcerting to see 25 views and not a single reply. Often I'd prefer not to have the "views" column.

Nuff fer now,



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post Oct 23 07, 07:43
Post #5

Ornate Oracle

Group: Gold Member
Posts: 3,822
Joined: 3-August 03
From: Florida
Member No.: 10
Real Name: Elizabeth
Writer of: Poetry
Referred By:Lori Kanter

Thank you Lori for posting this thread, and I will use it as sort of a petitition on signing and comitting to keeping a steady stream of at minimun 2 a day comments/critiques and start getting more active.

Big Hugs, all - Liz


Nominate a poem for the InterBoard Poetry Competition by taking into careful consideration those poems you feel would best represent Mosaic Musings. For details, click into the IBPC nomination forum. Did that poem just captivate you? Nominate it for the Faery award today! If perfection of form allured your muse, propose the Crown Jewels award. For more details, click here!

MM Award Winner
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post Oct 24 07, 05:22
Post #6

Creative Chieftain

Group: Gold Member
Posts: 1,621
Joined: 18-August 05
From: Johannesburg, South Africa
Member No.: 127
Real Name: Beverleigh Gail Annegarn
Writer of: Poetry & Prose
Referred By:Jox

Hi Lori

An excellent Housekeeping posting.

Thank you as aways for your time and efforts on MM.



May the angels guide your light.

MM Award Winner
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post Oct 24 07, 05:33
Post #7

Mosaic Master
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Group: Administrator
Posts: 18,892
Joined: 1-August 03
From: Massachusetts
Member No.: 2
Real Name: Lori Kanter
Writer of: Poetry & Prose
Referred By:Imhotep

Thank you very much Eric, Liz and Bev for posting your feedback. highfive.gif

~Lori cheer.gif


"It's a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door. You step into the Road, and if you don't keep your feet, there is no knowing where you might be swept off to." ~ J.R.R Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings

Collaboration feeds innovation. In the spirit of workshopping, please revisit those threads you've critiqued to see if the author has incorporated your ideas, or requests further feedback from you. In addition, reciprocate with those who've responded to you in kind.

"I believe it is the act of remembrance, long after our bones have turned to dust, to be the true essence of an afterlife." ~ Lorraine M. Kanter

Nominate a poem for the InterBoard Poetry Competition by taking into careful consideration those poems you feel would best represent Mosaic Musings. For details, click into the IBPC nomination forum. Did that poem just captivate you? Nominate it for the Faery award today! If perfection of form allured your muse, propose the Crown Jewels award. For more information, click here!

"Worry looks around, Sorry looks back, Faith looks up." ~ Early detection can save your life.

MM Award Winner
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post Oct 24 07, 05:42
Post #8

Creative Chieftain

Group: Gold Member
Posts: 1,621
Joined: 18-August 05
From: Johannesburg, South Africa
Member No.: 127
Real Name: Beverleigh Gail Annegarn
Writer of: Poetry & Prose
Referred By:Jox

Hi Lori~

Thanks for the swift reply!

I am sure I am guilty of a short praise posting often due to lack of time...and I dont want to read somebodies hard written poem without saying I was there...

I have referred poems to Liz, when I was out of my depth...and if I thought she had missed them.



May the angels guide your light.

MM Award Winner
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post Oct 24 07, 07:18
Post #9

Mosaic Master
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Group: Administrator
Posts: 18,892
Joined: 1-August 03
From: Massachusetts
Member No.: 2
Real Name: Lori Kanter
Writer of: Poetry & Prose
Referred By:Imhotep

Hi Bev,

I am also guilty, especially when my time is minimal online. However, for me, I want to enact a change so that each post that I critique doesn't get 'short-changed' because I chose to offer commentary when my time might not allow for a detailed, in-depth offering. So, for me, this is where I will start my change.

I also don't mind receiving (and often do) a quick comment just to let folks know my thread was read and that person might be back later when 'time finds them' as I word it, LOL! Some have frowned on that - but to each his own. To me, it lets me know the person stopped it and was kind enough to take what time they had available to read and comment, and it will be cool when they return again.

That's a great habit Bev - to refer poems to others who might be able to better offer critique for those looking for something specific that others have the skillset for. cheer.gif AWESOME!

~Cleo running.gif *back to the grind


"It's a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door. You step into the Road, and if you don't keep your feet, there is no knowing where you might be swept off to." ~ J.R.R Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings

Collaboration feeds innovation. In the spirit of workshopping, please revisit those threads you've critiqued to see if the author has incorporated your ideas, or requests further feedback from you. In addition, reciprocate with those who've responded to you in kind.

"I believe it is the act of remembrance, long after our bones have turned to dust, to be the true essence of an afterlife." ~ Lorraine M. Kanter

Nominate a poem for the InterBoard Poetry Competition by taking into careful consideration those poems you feel would best represent Mosaic Musings. For details, click into the IBPC nomination forum. Did that poem just captivate you? Nominate it for the Faery award today! If perfection of form allured your muse, propose the Crown Jewels award. For more information, click here!

"Worry looks around, Sorry looks back, Faith looks up." ~ Early detection can save your life.

MM Award Winner
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post Sep 14 08, 21:00
Post #10


Guilty, Guilty, and double Guilty

Wow all these things to remember...I think my head will explode !!!POP!!! yep there it went... Lori, I think I just did what you said not to do... I copied and pasted your whole poem to critique it... Darn it, another slap up side my head... Will try to remember not to do that... and cross my fingers am going to make a better effort a doing critiques.
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post Sep 15 08, 19:11
Post #11

Mosaic Master
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Group: Administrator
Posts: 18,892
Joined: 1-August 03
From: Massachusetts
Member No.: 2
Real Name: Lori Kanter
Writer of: Poetry & Prose
Referred By:Imhotep

Hey Steve,

I don't mind that members copy/paste my poetry when offering crits in response. It's using the quoting tags that is not necessary. Even though some legal-eez types will tell you not to quote entire works, I think it really depends on who is the critter and who is the writer of the work and their personal preferences.

Thanks for stopping in and commenting!
~Cleo galadriel.gif


"It's a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door. You step into the Road, and if you don't keep your feet, there is no knowing where you might be swept off to." ~ J.R.R Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings

Collaboration feeds innovation. In the spirit of workshopping, please revisit those threads you've critiqued to see if the author has incorporated your ideas, or requests further feedback from you. In addition, reciprocate with those who've responded to you in kind.

"I believe it is the act of remembrance, long after our bones have turned to dust, to be the true essence of an afterlife." ~ Lorraine M. Kanter

Nominate a poem for the InterBoard Poetry Competition by taking into careful consideration those poems you feel would best represent Mosaic Musings. For details, click into the IBPC nomination forum. Did that poem just captivate you? Nominate it for the Faery award today! If perfection of form allured your muse, propose the Crown Jewels award. For more information, click here!

"Worry looks around, Sorry looks back, Faith looks up." ~ Early detection can save your life.

MM Award Winner
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