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Here at MM, we offer 8 levels of membership based on: Number of posts, (length of) inactivity on MM and staff designation.

What are Member Groups you ask?

Member groups are defined as Members, Moderators, Administrators and Guests and designate which forums these members can read, start new topics in and make replies to.

Here at MM, we have 8 member groups:
  1. Awaiting Authorization: These members cannot post on the forum until the Administrator approves their membership.
  2. Bronze Member: These members cannot use the PM system, cannot vote in polls, and participate in certain forums. They also do not receive emails from the Admins.
  3. Silver Member: These members have less than 50 posts. This group automatically promotes to Gold Member at 50 posts. This group cannot participate in our Adult Works forum, not can they start polls.
  4. Gold Member: These members have greater than 50 posts, Adult Works Sanctuary qualifier and can start polls.
  5. Platinum Member: These members have donated funds to support the Mosaic's website and forum board activities. In addition to having the same access as Gold Members, these members can open/close their own topics and delete their own posts.
  6. Centurion: Staff Member
  7. Praetorian: Staff Moderator
  8. Administrator: Site Administrator
To accommodate members who are eligible to post in our adult-themed forum, Shambhalan Sanctuary, located in the 'Adult Works ~ Pendragon's Prudence' Category,  the Gold Member level must be achieved once 50 posts have been made.
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