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Fixed Form and Rhyming Poetry for Critique -> Herme's Homilies
Post poems that utilize set patterns of rhyme or metrical scheme, stanza formats, and/or refrains. Fixed forms such as Ballades, Blank Verse, Haiku, Rondeau, Senryu, Sonnet, Swap Quatrain, Tanka, Triolet, Villanelle and poems inspired by fixed forms are welcome. Please state the form, metric or rhyme scheme used in your topic description for the benefit of critiquing and post a tag line either in the title description or in the beginning of your thread stating your desired level of critique. That can be done by simply using a series of stars for light (*), medium (**), or full (***) critique.
Forum Led by: Cleo_Serapis, Psyche
448 |
2,824 |
Sep 16 22, 21:14 In: Patagonia Lost By: Psyche |
Free Verse Poetry for Critique -> Seren's Synapse
Post poems that utilize verse composed of variable, usually unrhymed lines having no fixed metrical pattern. Typically, these would include unstructured poetic forms often called FV (free verse) or FF (free form). Please post a tag line either in the title description or in the beginning of your thread stating your desired level of critique. That can be done by simply using a series of stars for light (*), medium (**), or full (***) critique.
Forum Led by: Eisa, Psyche
408 |
2,659 |
Sep 17 22, 10:49 In: Bereavement By: Psyche |
Poetry Exhibition -> Plato's Pearls of Wisdom
Posts in this forum are for exhibition only and will not be critiqued. Thanks for adding tiles to our Mosaic! All forms of poetry are welcome in this forum.
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Nov 7 20, 15:35 In: Lock Down! By: Rhymer |
Poetry Education -> Karnak Crossing
This forum is designed to both educate and exercise your minds to the various styles of poetry. When posting poetic forms, please provide a brief description, its parameters and an example in your topic. Thank you!
Forum Led by: Cleo_Serapis
141 |
19,163 |
Aug 31 24, 22:08 In: Limerick By: JustDaniel |
Read our FLYERS - click below
Reference links provided to aid in fine-tuning
your writings. ENJOY!