My mind keeps changing along with world events. At the moment, I'm speechless.
Ornate Oracle
54 years old
Bariloche, Argentine Patagonia
I grew up in Argentine Patagonia, on an apple farm bordering the Neuquén river. Low hills across the river, then tablelands and prickly-bush steppes for leagues and leagues. I love nature above all, horseback riding, swimming in sweet waters, trekking and camping. At 18 I moved to Buenos Aires and worked as a secretary for a corporation. I resigned when I marrided my first husband. My eldest son, Robert, was diagnozed soon after with schizophrenia and died in an accident, aged 21 years. I studied Journalism and also worked for Francisco Erize, then president of the Argentine National Parks, under the dictatorship of Videla and company. My husband and I separated and I went to live on my own. My youngest son, Patrick, joined me soon after. While he was in high school, I worked as secretary at St. Andrews Scots School, which is bilingal. Soon after, I met my second husband, Carlos Grosso Brenner and he suggested I give up working and study any career I liked best. So I went to the University of Salvador -USAL- in Buenos Aires, where we lived. Patrick went to study Philology in Salamanca, Spain. He also worked as a teacher for a private school, The English House. When he had only three exams to obtain his degree, he was diagnozed with ALS/NMD and my daughter Diana fetched him and together with Carlos we cared for him in our apartment until he died, aged 29 years. I gave up my career and decided to write poetry, learning along the way in workshops. To earn my living I do English/Spanish translations from my new home in Bariloche, Argentine Patagonia, next to door to Diana. My husband died 10 years ago. I also continue to write some poetry, though I'm busy working on getting my book published.
Gender: Female
Real Name: Sylvia Evelyn Maclagan
Writer of: Poetry & Prose
Referred By: David Ting
Joined: 27-August 04
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