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Mosaic Musings...interactive poetry reviews _ Poetry Exhibition -> Plato's Pearls of Wisdom _ Request

Posted by: Larry Oct 29 16, 18:17


With great respect he asked once more, “How long
must we remain within this realm?” A tear
now etched its lonely path; he felt it wrong
to dwell where everything which once was dear

to creatures such as he. The elf and gnome
stayed hidden in dense forest or dark cave
while dragons and fierce griffons made their home
in lofty mountain holds. None dared to brave

the eyes of man. Not so in ancient days
when innocence had reigned; all lived in peace
and harmony. Mankind had changed their ways
and so the Unicorn pled for release.

His answer came; “Stay for a little while!”
said Luna with her bright familiar smile.

Posted by: Psyche Oct 30 16, 19:50

Oh, wow... Larry,
Each time I read this sonnet I get very emotional. You've put yourself in the unicorn's mind and heart, and IMO you deftly express, by way of this personalized mythical and beautiful creature, the rationality that invades our modern world.

In turn, humankind's extreme rationality has now turned against us. Chaos begins to show its ugly face. Maybe it was always there, but our biggest mistake (or lie), is to have labelled ourselves rational.
There you have my 2 cents, Larry. It's what your sonnet means to me. That's why the unicorn has a tear in its eye. I'm glad Luna understands and consoles him.

Thanks so much for composing this double-layered work of art, Larry. It probably has more layers of meaning that escape me.



With great respect he asked once more, “How long
must we remain within this realm?” A tear
now etched its lonely path; he felt it wrong
to dwell where everything which once was dear

to creatures such as he. The elf and gnome
stayed hidden in dense forest or dark cave
while dragons and fierce griffons made their home
in lofty mountain holds. None dared to brave

the eyes of man. Not so in ancient days
when innocence had reigned; all lived in peace
and harmony. Mankind had changed their ways
and so the Unicorn pled for release.

His answer came; “Stay for a little while!”
said Luna with her bright familiar smile.

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