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Mosaic Musings...interactive poetry reviews _ Poetry Exhibition -> Plato's Pearls of Wisdom _ Human Technology Is Amazing, Isn't It?

Posted by: Jim AKA Rapid-Fire Oct 24 06, 03:56

I sit here and ponder the progress mankind has made,
let's face it, we've got it made today, in the shade.
We can put men on the moon, soon who knows where,
our technology has progressed beyond compare.

Cars that are more economical than ever before,
self checkout registers when you hit the store.
Hand and foot warmers not requiring batteries,
and work saving gadgets that are sure to please.

Modern conveniences that make life as easy as can be,
but there's still one invention missing, apparently.
All this technical expertise doesn't amount to diddly squat,
if I'm still freezing my tush when I sit on the pot.........

Posted by: Cleo_Serapis Oct 24 06, 05:21

LOL.gif Jim.

Hope that 'tush' doesn't go 'numb'! That's gonna smart! Speechless.gif

Seriously though, think of all the technologies we have available to us today and compare that to 25, 50, 100 + years ago. From science to transportation to the communication age...

We are a lucky civilization! Guitar.gif


Posted by: jgdittier Oct 24 06, 08:00

Dear Jim,
Shades of the show "Oklahoma!"
At least you can keep your feet dry!
Cheers, Ron jgd

Posted by: Jim AKA Rapid-Fire Oct 24 06, 11:06

Thanks Cleo and Ron........... wave.gif

Posted by: poeticpiers Nov 19 06, 07:20

Jim have you not found the polystyrene foam seat warmers yet.Light wieght easy to clean and blessedly warm a great aid to writing poetry as you contemplate the infinite

Posted by: Jim AKA Rapid-Fire Nov 20 06, 09:00

Guess I hadn't, but since you've enlightened me Ivor, now even in the winter time, I can gooooooooooooo!!! LOL

QUOTE (poeticpiers @ Nov 19 06, 12:20 ) *
Jim have you not found the polystyrene foam seat warmers yet.Light wieght easy to clean and blessedly warm a great aid to writing poetry as you contemplate the infinite

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