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Mosaic Musings...interactive poetry reviews _ ARCHIVES -> MMHC (Holiday Classic) -> Halls of Montezuma _ Arctic Winter

Posted by: Merlin Nov 7 04, 07:10

Here's 3-in-1 for your pleasure or otherwise... all true, of course!

*Note by Cleo: I am going to separate these into (3) entries so each can (deservedly so) can stand on its own.  :xmas:

Arctic Winter

My pard and I were on the land
In furs from head to foot.
The wind was howling from the west,
We should have just stayed put.

The trap line needed tending to,
So off to work we went
Into the sunless Arctic day
In darkened firmament.

For several hours we plodded on,
No words did we exchange
Until we came thru one more draw,
Our campsite was in range.

We lit a fire and made some tea,
I tell you, it was cold!
The words that tumbled from our mouths
Froze up as they were told.

We chatted for perhaps an hour
Before we moved on out.
We wouldn’t know for quite some time
What we had talked about.

The words thawed out on one fine day
When storms no longer blew.
My pard, he is a real fun guy,
And good to listen to.

Canadian Winter

I headed home on Christmas Eve,
One cold and starry night.
My pickup truck was shivering,
It was a ghastly sight.

I’d never seen it quite this cold –
Not even in July.
We had to get us both inside
Lest on this night we die.

The trip back home to our old farm
Went off without a hitch.
I saw the house, garage and barn
Ahead, across the ditch.

The driveway was off to the right,
I swung my truck that way.
Our light beams fell upon the barn
And that’s where they would stay.

We couldn’t move ahead nor back,
Not sideways, left or right.
The light was frozen solid there,
This was a dangerous plight.

A good thing that my power saw
Was in the pickup truck.
I cut straight thru those beams of light
And saved us both – what luck!


I tell you, man, you never saw
The likes of what I’ve seen
Up in the northern regions where
In winter I have been.

The moon howled out a mournful sound,
My dogs all hunkered low.
All wolves and coyotes near and far
Curled up inside the snow.

The temperature was nearly gone,
It was so cold that day.
I lit a candle with my match
And went to check the sleigh.

No wind was out this Christmas nite,
I think it stayed inside.
My candle froze up solidly,
These facts I cannot hide.

I had to bring it back indoors,
To warm the darn thing thru.
The frozen flame could then blow out
Inside our warm igloo.

Posted by: Cleo_Serapis Nov 7 04, 07:20

Thank you for your Holiday entry!  :holly:

Best of luck to you!  :dove:

May the 'classic' holiday spirit be shared in your heart throughout the season!  :blueorn:

~ Mosaic Musings Staff  :knight:  :pharoah:  :viking:  :vic:  :tut:  :vic:  :cali:  :knight:

Posted by: Cleo_Serapis Nov 7 04, 07:25

Hello Eric!  Wizard.gif

A hard choice to make as all three fit together perrrrrrrfectly! kitty.gif

Can you post these as three separate entries please (it's ok the max of 2 is no longer valid since we're down to the last week)? I can modify the title of this piece as you wish.  :detective:

If I could only choose one (and I cannot because I am not the judge, phew!), I believe it would be 'Candlelight'. You've really captured the 'cold canadian country' in this trio!  Snowflake.gif

Best of luck!   dove.gif

~Cleo  holly.gif

Posted by: Don Nov 7 04, 10:07

Hail, fellow RWS aficionado,

Please send me some pathfinder notes for access to your location on ezboard. Apparently, it is a special place requiring, yet another, password.


Posted by: Cleo_Serapis Sep 25 05, 14:26

Permission granted for chapbook compilation.


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