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Mosaic Musings...interactive poetry reviews _ Mosaic Musings Holiday Classic _ Then and Now.

Posted by: Rhymer Dec 11 15, 11:28

Then and Now.

On the last morn of BC, history will show,
a birth took place - one most Christians know.
From Jerusalem, spreading quickly, came word
to waiting Shepherds - from angels twas heard:
Good news! When The Magi heard of this event,
they rejoiced, and quickly folding up their tent,

mounted their camels - known as “Desert Ships”,
and began the most hazardous of all their trips.
Their intent? To greet one singularly “Unique”.
On quietly leaving at night, none would speak
about the journey they’d chosen to undertake,
for letting Herod know, would be a huge mistake!

under the dark cloak of night, they slipped away,
being fully aware this was the best and only way
to outwit his Legions, who had been alerted
to stop them. With subterfuge, they diverted
Herod’s informers who, despite their repute,
had been duped into watching another route!

The Three Kings, The Magi, coming from afar,
were guided to Jerusalem by a glowing star.
Myrrh, Gold, and Frankincense they brought,
were well suited for a King, so they thought,
but in the modern age in which we live today,
what Gifts, are better suited, would you say?

Perhaps The Three would be guided by a GSP,
and ride in a Coach, or what we term an SUV.
Chauffeur driven, cosseted by leathered luxury,
these Three Magi celebrities, would obviously
be determined to impress folks, everywhere!
What peasants thought? They wouldn’t care!

But which Gifts from the ‘technical’ world, seen today,
would be deemed appropriately suited for baby’s play?
A Cell Phone, I-Pad, Laptop with Camera perhaps?
All loaded with essential, ‘must have’ “free Apps”!
But wait! Without it had Windows 10 installed
along with Google, the three would be appalled,

should their hired staff be found remiss,
in not effecting an Internet link. To miss
any advertising opportunity - for a fat fee,
would be a sacrilegious, unheard of adversity.
What’s more High Speed Wi-Fi, would be needed
for ongoing worldly affairs, must always be heeded!

Add a reliable Server - another prime essential
requirement, if He’s to achieve His full potential!
He’ll need all the gizmos; such as a USB connection,
and a touch LED Screen for clear, visual perfection.
On arrival, The Three would pose for “photo ops”:
mostly of the ‘Selfie” kind. Surrounded by Cops

to keep paparazzi at bay. Touting for patronage,
they’d likely display their gifts on centre stage,
before presenting them. After the ceremony
they’d Tweet - we’re coming home, directly!
Yes, 'Presents" offered would be different today,
from those in the Bible. Such is our modern way!

Rhymer. December 11th, 2015.

Posted by: Cleo_Serapis Dec 12 15, 10:07

Thank you for your Holiday entry, Denis! holly.gif

Best of luck! dove.gif

May the 'classic' holiday spirit be shared in your heart throughout the season! blueorn.gif

~ Mosaic Musings Staff knight.gif Pharoah.gif Viking.gif vic.gif princess.gif troy.gif cali.gif tut.gif knight.gif

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