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Mosaic Musings...interactive poetry reviews _ Nero's News _ MMHC Tie-Breaker Poll

Posted by: Cleo_Serapis Jul 8 09, 17:52

Please cast your vote in the MMHC tie-breaker Poll by no later than the 26th of July. MusicBand.gif

Apologies for such a LATE poll thread to finalize the winning entry. There happens to be a tie between Psyche's short story entry, Christmas Reunion, and Merlin's poetic entry, Streetwalkers with each receiving 6 votes.

Please visit the poll and cast your vote to determine the winner, after you've read over the two entries by end of day, Sunday, July the 26th

May the spirit of the season remain in your heart all the year through! xmas.gif

We hope to see you there! Artist.gif

~Cleo holly.gif dove.gif blueorn.gif

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