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Mosaic Musings...interactive poetry reviews _ Introduce Yourself _ R.I.P. Oh Steve

Posted by: JustDaniel Feb 27 13, 14:18

Message from Merlin left in poetry section:

I have received word via Facebook of Steve's passing, in case you hadn't heard.


by: Ella Wheeler Wilcox (1850-1919)

It seemeth such a little way to me
Across to that strange country -- the Beyond;
And yet, not strange, for it has grown to be
The home of those of whom I am so fond,
They make it seem familiar and most dear,
As journeying friends bring distant regions near.

(a fragment)

Posted by: JustDaniel Feb 27 13, 14:23

Wow, Merlin....

In not being involved here for some time, I kind of got out of touch with Steve, only recalling his wife's struggles with cancer several years ago. I'd noticed that he had not been active here for some time of late, but I hadn't been involved in any of the social interaction here that used to take place some years ago, so I really know nothing of what has been going on in his life.

I feel very empty in not having been there for support in whatever struggles he'd been going through. It pricks my heart deeply... and reminds me of how important it is for us to be sharing with each other.

I think of Steve's own words in his bio on this site: Courage is knowing your fear, and continuing on in spite of it.

I suspect that Steve lived by that mot. I shall miss him.

If you know any other details and if there is to be some memorial or persons to contact in their bereavement, please let us know, Merlin.

in Light of grace, Daniel sun.gif

Posted by: Cleo_Serapis Feb 27 13, 17:05

I too shall miss Steve and his kind spirit.

I had posted an announcement yesterday in the Site News section of MM - you can find it here:

Wally has added a beautiful poem in that forum as well.


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