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Mosaic Musings...interactive poetry reviews _ Weekly Challenges -> Acropolis _ Thanksgiving Challenge

Posted by: Blank_Canvas Nov 1 05, 15:39

Hello everyone,
   Our Halloween community challenge has ended now and it is time for Thanksgiving. Lori suggested we start a new Thanksgiving add-a line challenge and see how far we can go.
    I'll post a couple of lines and see if others would care to add their own to build a Thanksgiving community poem.
    So, please copy and paste what exists already and add a rhyming couplet - or several - as your muse prompts.
(and it's fine to edit for improvement, too)

Tom turkey is a nervous bird
when Thanksgiving comes around;
He knows that people measure him
by the size and by the pound. turkey.gif

Posted by: Toumai Nov 1 05, 17:28

Hi Marcia, what an excellent idea  :turkey:

Tom turkey is a nervous bird
when Thanksgiving comes around;
He knows that people measure him
by the size and by the pound.

He skulks and hides the day away;
all approaches are rebuffed.
The tastiest tidbits are ignored -
he has no wish to end up stuffed.  

(Sorry, couldn't resist)


Posted by: Blank_Canvas Nov 1 05, 18:40

Tom turkey is a nervous bird
when Thanksgiving comes around;
He knows that people measure him
by the size and by the pound.

He skulks and hides the day away;
all approaches are rebuffed.
The tastiest tidbits are ignored -
he has no wish to end up stuffed.

He wonders why the ostrich
isn't our festive pick;
after all, he's very large
and you get a bigger drumstick...

Posted by: Nina Nov 2 05, 00:50

Tom turkey is a nervous bird
when Thanksgiving comes around;
He knows that people measure him
by the size and by the pound.

He skulks and hides the day away;
all approaches are rebuffed.
The tastiest tidbits are ignored -
he has no wish to end up stuffed.

He wonders why the ostrich
isn't our festive pick;
after all, he's very large
and you get a bigger drumstick...

Or how about a veggie banquet
nut roast instead of meat;
served with all the usual trimmings,
tasty and goes down a treat.

Posted by: Cathy Nov 2 05, 01:42

Tom turkey is a nervous bird
when Thanksgiving comes around;
He knows that people measure him
by the size and by the pound.

He skulks and hides the day away;
all approaches are rebuffed.
The tastiest tidbits are ignored -
he has no wish to end up stuffed.

He wonders why the ostrich
isn't our festive pick;
after all, he's very large
and you get a bigger drumstick...

Or how about a veggie banquet
nut roast instead of meat;
served with all the usual trimmings,
tasty and goes down a treat.

Potato and a salad bar
would be alright with me;
the sweets go over biggest,
it's not the meat, you see.

Take pity on this turkey
and free me from this haunt;
lay out a larger table,
it's desserts the family wants.

Posted by: Cleo_Serapis Nov 2 05, 06:15

Tom turkey is a nervous bird
when Thanksgiving comes around;
He knows that people measure him
by the size and by the pound.

He skulks and hides the day away;
all approaches are rebuffed.
The tastiest tidbits are ignored -
he has no wish to end up stuffed.

He wonders why the ostrich
isn't our festive pick;
after all, he's very large
and you get a bigger drumstick...

Or how about a veggie banquet
nut roast instead of meat;
served with all the usual trimmings,
tasty and goes down a treat.

Potato and a salad bar
would be alright with me;
the sweets go over biggest,
it's not the meat, you see.

Take pity on this turkey
and free me from this haunt;
lay out a larger table,
it's desserts the family wants.

Why not have a juicy roasted
chick or lamb this year? chicken.gif
Or serve a honeyed ham instead...
the fam will love the change and cheer!  :cheer:


Posted by: Psyche Nov 2 05, 10:50

Tom turkey is a nervous bird
when Thanksgiving comes around;
He knows that people measure him
by the size and by the pound.

He skulks and hides the day away;
all approaches are rebuffed.
The tastiest tidbits are ignored -
he has no wish to end up stuffed.

He wonders why the ostrich
isn't our festive pick;
after all, he's very large
and you get a bigger drumstick...

Or how about a veggie banquet
nut roast instead of meat;
served with all the usual trimmings,
tasty and goes down a treat.

Potato and a salad bar
would be all right with me;
the sweets go over biggest,
it's not the meat, you see.

Take pity on this turkey
and free me from this haunt;
lay out a larger table,
it's desserts the family wants.

Why not have a juicy roasted
chick or lamb this year?
Or serve a honeyed ham instead...
the fam will love the change and cheer!  

Why pick on ostrich, chick or lamb,
Tom Turkey's got a problem here,
don't make of pig a honeyed ham,
we really should re-think this, dear !

Let's give Tom Turkey a reprieve
and go off to dance instead:
then we'll not need to grieve
nor chop off nervous heads !

Posted by: Blank_Canvas Nov 3 05, 17:55

Tom turkey is a nervous bird
when Thanksgiving comes around;
He knows that people measure him
by the size and by the pound.

He skulks and hides the day away;
all approaches are rebuffed.
The tastiest tidbits are ignored -
he has no wish to end up stuffed.

He wonders why the ostrich
isn't our festive pick;
after all, he's very large
and you get a bigger drumstick...

Or how about a veggie banquet
nut roast instead of meat;
served with all the usual trimmings,
tasty and goes down a treat.

Potato and a salad bar
would be all right with me;
the sweets go over biggest,
it's not the meat, you see.

Take pity on this turkey
and free me from this haunt;
lay out a larger table,
it's desserts the family wants.

Why not have a juicy roasted
chick or lamb this year?
Or serve a honeyed ham instead...
the fam will love the change and cheer!  

Why pick on ostrich, chick or lamb,
Tom Turkey's got a problem here,
don't make of pig a honeyed ham,
we really should re-think this, dear !

Let's give Tom Turkey a reprieve
and go off to dance instead:
then we'll not need to grieve
nor chop off nervous heads !

We can make a tasty meal
of anything, it seems;
Let Tom Turkey off the hook
to enjoy his gobbler dreams.  turkey.gif

Let's prepare a tasty dressing,
add roasting ears and yams;
banana pudding, yummy pies,
homemade bread and jams. chef.gif

Posted by: Perrorist Nov 5 05, 02:17

Tom turkey is a nervous bird
when Thanksgiving comes around;
He knows that people measure him
by the size and by the pound.

He skulks and hides the day away;
all approaches are rebuffed.
The tastiest tidbits are ignored -
he has no wish to end up stuffed.

He wonders why the ostrich
isn't our festive pick;
after all, he's very large
and you get a bigger drumstick...

Or how about a veggie banquet
nut roast instead of meat;
served with all the usual trimmings,
tasty and goes down a treat.

Potato and a salad bar
would be all right with me;
the sweets go over biggest,
it's not the meat, you see.

Take pity on this turkey
and free me from this haunt;
lay out a larger table,
it's desserts the family wants.

Why not have a juicy roasted
chick or lamb this year?
Or serve a honeyed ham instead...
the fam will love the change and cheer!  

Why pick on ostrich, chick or lamb,
Tom Turkey's got a problem here,
don't make of pig a honeyed ham,
we really should re-think this, dear !

Let's give Tom Turkey a reprieve
and go off to dance instead:
then we'll not need to grieve
nor chop off nervous heads !

We can make a tasty meal
of anything, it seems;
Let Tom Turkey off the hook
to enjoy his gobbler dreams.  

Let's prepare a tasty dressing,
add roasting ears and yams;
banana pudding, yummy pies,
homemade bread and jams.  

But Tom Turkey's fate is sealed,
it seems: his heart will soon cease beating;
who cares that he is innocent
when he makes such tasty eating.

Posted by: Charon Nov 6 05, 07:52

Tom turkey is a nervous bird
when Thanksgiving comes around;
He knows that people measure him
by the size and by the pound.

He skulks and hides the day away;
all approaches are rebuffed.
The tastiest tidbits are ignored -
he has no wish to end up stuffed.

He wonders why the ostrich
isn't our festive pick;
after all, he's very large
and you get a bigger drumstick...

Or how about a veggie banquet
nut roast instead of meat;
served with all the usual trimmings,
tasty and goes down a treat.

Potato and a salad bar
would be all right with me;
the sweets go over biggest,
it's not the meat, you see.

Take pity on this turkey
and free me from this haunt;
lay out a larger table,
it's desserts the family wants.

Why not have a juicy roasted
chick or lamb this year?
Or serve a honeyed ham instead...
the fam will love the change and cheer!  

Why pick on ostrich, chick or lamb,
Tom Turkey's got a problem here,
don't make of pig a honeyed ham,
we really should re-think this, dear !

Let's give Tom Turkey a reprieve
and go off to dance instead:
then we'll not need to grieve
nor chop off nervous heads !

We can make a tasty meal
of anything, it seems;
Let Tom Turkey off the hook
to enjoy his gobbler dreams.  

Let's prepare a tasty dressing,
add roasting ears and yams;
banana pudding, yummy pies,
homemade bread and jams.  

We can make a tasty meal
of anything, it seems;
Let Tom Turkey off the hook
to enjoy his gobbler dreams.  

Let's prepare a tasty dressing,
add roasting ears and yams;
banana pudding, yummy pies,
homemade bread and jams.  

But Tom Turkey's fate is sealed,
it seems: his heart will soon cease beating;
who cares that he is innocent
when he makes such tasty eating.

“I should be the nation’s bird,” he cried,
“Ben Franklin would agree.”
“Eat the eagle or the hawk,
They’re not as colorful as me.”

Posted by: Toumai Nov 7 05, 02:04


LOL, what a tale (tail?). Lovely additions; nicely fattened up for presentation.

Hiya, Butch. Hope all going well with the course? Good to see you.


Posted by: Charon Nov 7 05, 20:39

Hi ya Fran,

Course work is slowly nearing completion.  Thanks for asking.  

I am down to barely over 20 weeks to go.  Started with 64, so the numbers are looking good.  

I am averaging three papers and one fifteen minute presentation per week.  So far straight A's, top of the class.  Class is down to six students from the eleven that started.

We may be giving our class project presentation to a security seminar in September of next year.  A committee is reviewing our work that we have completed so far, to determine if it is worthy.  Over 20,000 people attend the seminar.  Our subject for the class project is the reconstruction and redesign of the Department of Homeland Security.

I really miss having the time to chat and do creative work on Mosaic, however that should change soon.  Thanks for thinking of me, I look forward to getting back in the swing of writing for fun.

I have had several stories published in my home town newspaper so far this year, so that has been fun.

Take care and will see ya soon out here.


aka Butch

Posted by: Toumai Nov 9 05, 02:54

Thanks, Butch  wave.gif

Congratulations on all those As - good work (we'll let you off not being around, since you've been putting the time to such good use).  :cheer:

Hope all goes well with that presentation - pretty high-powered stuff sun.gif


Posted by: Blank_Canvas Nov 10 05, 17:38

Tom turkey is a nervous bird
when Thanksgiving comes around;
He knows that people measure him
by the size and by the pound.

He skulks and hides the day away;
all approaches are rebuffed.
The tastiest tidbits are ignored -
he has no wish to end up stuffed.

He wonders why the ostrich
isn't our festive pick;
after all, he's very large
and you get a bigger drumstick...

Or how about a veggie banquet
nut roast instead of meat;
served with all the usual trimmings,
tasty and goes down a treat.

Potato and a salad bar
would be all right with me;
the sweets go over biggest,
it's not the meat, you see.

Take pity on this turkey
and free me from this haunt;
lay out a larger table,
it's desserts the family wants.

Why not have a juicy roasted
chick or lamb this year?
Or serve a honeyed ham instead...
the fam will love the change and cheer!  

Why pick on ostrich, chick or lamb,
Tom Turkey's got a problem here,
don't make of pig a honeyed ham,
we really should re-think this, dear !

Let's give Tom Turkey a reprieve
and go off to dance instead:
then we'll not need to grieve
nor chop off nervous heads !

We can make a tasty meal
of anything, it seems;
Let Tom Turkey off the hook
to enjoy his gobbler dreams.  

Let's prepare a tasty dressing,
add roasting ears and yams;
banana pudding, yummy pies,
homemade bread and jams.   

But Tom Turkey's fate is sealed,
it seems: his heart will soon cease beating;
who cares that he is innocent
when he makes such tasty eating.

“I should be the nation’s bird,” he cried,
“Ben Franklin would agree.”
“Eat the eagle or the hawk,
They’re not as colorful as me.”

"I'm a protected species,"
protests the outraged eagle.
"I am the chosen symbol...
you know I'm much more regal."

"The hawk and I are hunters;
we eat those rats and mice.
To make us holiday dinner
would  simply not be nice."

Posted by: Cleo_Serapis Nov 10 05, 21:14

Tom turkey is a nervous bird
when Thanksgiving comes around;
He knows that people measure him
by the size and by the pound.

He skulks and hides the day away;
all approaches are rebuffed.
The tastiest tidbits are ignored -
he has no wish to end up stuffed.

He wonders why the ostrich
isn't our festive pick;
after all, he's very large
and you get a bigger drumstick...

Or how about a veggie banquet
nut roast instead of meat;
served with all the usual trimmings,
tasty and goes down a treat.

Potato and a salad bar
would be all right with me;
the sweets go over biggest,
it's not the meat, you see.

Take pity on this turkey
and free me from this haunt;
lay out a larger table,
it's desserts the family wants.

Why not have a juicy roasted
chick or lamb this year?
Or serve a honeyed ham instead...
the fam will love the change and cheer!  

Why pick on ostrich, chick or lamb,
Tom Turkey's got a problem here,
don't make of pig a honeyed ham,
we really should re-think this, dear !

Let's give Tom Turkey a reprieve
and go off to dance instead:
then we'll not need to grieve
nor chop off nervous heads !

We can make a tasty meal
of anything, it seems;
Let Tom Turkey off the hook
to enjoy his gobbler dreams.  

Let's prepare a tasty dressing,
add roasting ears and yams;
banana pudding, yummy pies,
homemade bread and jams.  

But Tom Turkey's fate is sealed,
it seems: his heart will soon cease beating;
who cares that he is innocent
when he makes such tasty eating.

“I should be the nation’s bird,” he cried,
“Ben Franklin would agree.”
“Eat the eagle or the hawk,
They’re not as colorful as me.”

"I'm a protected species,"
protests the outraged eagle.
"I am the chosen symbol...
you know I'm much more regal."

"The hawk and I are hunters;
we eat those rats and mice.
To make us holiday dinner
would  simply not be nice."

So then it was that Tom declared
"I'm just not good for eatin',
my legs are thin, my chest is flat
perhaps you'll dine by cheatin'?"

Posted by: Blank_Canvas Nov 12 05, 23:03

Tom turkey is a nervous bird
when Thanksgiving comes around;
He knows that people measure him
by the size and by the pound.

He skulks and hides the day away;
all approaches are rebuffed.
The tastiest tidbits are ignored -
he has no wish to end up stuffed.

He wonders why the ostrich
isn't our festive pick;
after all, he's very large
and you get a bigger drumstick...

Or how about a veggie banquet
nut roast instead of meat;
served with all the usual trimmings,
tasty and goes down a treat.

Potato and a salad bar
would be all right with me;
the sweets go over biggest,
it's not the meat, you see.

Take pity on this turkey
and free me from this haunt;
lay out a larger table,
it's desserts the family wants.

Why not have a juicy roasted
chick or lamb this year?
Or serve a honeyed ham instead...
the fam will love the change and cheer!  

Why pick on ostrich, chick or lamb,
Tom Turkey's got a problem here,
don't make of pig a honeyed ham,
we really should re-think this, dear !

Let's give Tom Turkey a reprieve
and go off to dance instead:
then we'll not need to grieve
nor chop off nervous heads !

We can make a tasty meal
of anything, it seems;
Let Tom Turkey off the hook
to enjoy his gobbler dreams.  

Let's prepare a tasty dressing,
add roasting ears and yams;
banana pudding, yummy pies,
homemade bread and jams.  

But Tom Turkey's fate is sealed,
it seems: his heart will soon cease beating;
who cares that he is innocent
when he makes such tasty eating.

“I should be the nation’s bird,” he cried,
“Ben Franklin would agree.”
“Eat the eagle or the hawk,
They’re not as colorful as me.”

"I'm a protected species,"
protests the outraged eagle.
"I am the chosen symbol...
you know I'm much more regal."

"The hawk and I are hunters;
we eat those rats and mice.
To make us holiday dinner
would  simply not be nice."

So then it was that Tom declared
"I'm just not good for eatin',
my legs are thin, my chest is flat
perhaps you'll dine by cheatin'?"

Not a good argument, turkey, dear,
this makes you lean, not fat;
You are a dieter's perfect meal.
You'll have to do better than that !

Posted by: Blank_Canvas Nov 16 05, 14:18

Tom turkey is a nervous bird
when Thanksgiving comes around;
He knows that people measure him
by the size and by the pound.

He skulks and hides the day away;
all approaches are rebuffed.
The tastiest tidbits are ignored -
he has no wish to end up stuffed.

He wonders why the ostrich
isn't our festive pick;
after all, he's very large
and you get a bigger drumstick...

Or how about a veggie banquet
nut roast instead of meat;
served with all the usual trimmings,
tasty and goes down a treat.

Potato and a salad bar
would be all right with me;
the sweets go over biggest,
it's not the meat, you see.

Take pity on this turkey
and free me from this haunt;
lay out a larger table,
it's desserts the family wants.

Why not have a juicy roasted
chick or lamb this year?
Or serve a honeyed ham instead...
the fam will love the change and cheer!  

Why pick on ostrich, chick or lamb,
Tom Turkey's got a problem here,
don't make of pig a honeyed ham,
we really should re-think this, dear !

Let's give Tom Turkey a reprieve
and go off to dance instead:
then we'll not need to grieve
nor chop off nervous heads !

We can make a tasty meal
of anything, it seems;
Let Tom Turkey off the hook
to enjoy his gobbler dreams.  

Let's prepare a tasty dressing,
add roasting ears and yams;
banana pudding, yummy pies,
homemade bread and jams.  

But Tom Turkey's fate is sealed,
it seems: his heart will soon cease beating;
who cares that he is innocent
when he makes such tasty eating.

“I should be the nation’s bird,” he cried,
“Ben Franklin would agree.”
“Eat the eagle or the hawk,
They’re not as colorful as me.”

"I'm a protected species,"
protests the outraged eagle.
"I am the chosen symbol...
you know I'm much more regal."

"The hawk and I are hunters;
we eat those rats and mice.
To make us holiday dinner
would  simply not be nice."

So then it was that Tom declared
"I'm just not good for eatin',
my legs are thin, my chest is flat
perhaps you'll dine by cheatin'?"

Not a good argument, turkey, dear,
this makes you lean, not fat;
You are a dieter's perfect meal.
You'll have to do better than that !

Thanksgiving day draws nearer.
Your pleas, this year, a waste.
Thanksgiving tradition is very strong...
people just LOVE how you taste !

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