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Mosaic Musings...interactive poetry reviews _ Weekly Challenges -> Acropolis _ Tree Haven

Posted by: Rhymer Dec 3 16, 10:38

I love to climb a tree, to escape the noisy crowd,
wherein illusion reigns, within the shade of trees,
and gaze upon the antics, of a passing summer cloud,
that’s incited to cavort, by a passing playful breeze.

Each tree branch is a foothold, on the ladder to my realm,
wherein the peace that reigns, lets me while away the day.
Where chaos is denied, when life’s troubles overwhelm,
and I can gather up those thoughts, that fall in disarray!

Some times I’ll fall asleep, and let the hours pass by.
It’s where illusion rules, as I sleep peacefully and dream,
for time is without merit, in my bivouac in the sky.
A place I love to visit, for its ambiance supreme.

Rhymer. December 3rd, 2016.

Words in the order used:
Love, climb, illusion, gaze, cloud, ladder, realm, chaos, fall, some.

(Another late entry which inspired me to write and post.
Thanks for your feedback Sylvia and Larry.)

Posted by: Psyche Dec 4 16, 23:08

Hi Denis, Snowflake.gif

Ah, tree climbing!! How I loved that as a child. A long while ago, I'm afraid.
I remember that one year our cat had her kittens in a hollow of a Patagonian Willow Tree. These trees have wide trunks and branches with curly leaves.
Shh... I didn´t tell my Mum about my discovery, because in those days kittens were done away with by drowning or such. No sterilisation in those days.

So the kittens grew up and we gave most of them away. I was allowed to keep one.

I'm saying this, since your poem starts with climbing trees. It immediately struck me as a good opening stanza. Looking down from heights can be fun, right? Sitting on a roof, a high wall...

It’s where illusion rules, as I sleep peacefully and dream,
for time is without merit, in my bivouac in the sky.
A place I love to visit, for its ambiance supreme.

The above stanza is lovely, that's why I picked it out. One can't get much higher than that!

Thanks so much for sharing these great poems with us. I don't recall what feedback you refer to, but never mind, it's all part of the fun.

Best, Syl butterfly.gif

Posted by: Rhymer Dec 5 16, 07:45

Hi Syl,

Many Thanks for your comments, as they are much appreciated.

The ten words of this previously missed challenge, once discovered and read, brought back many memories for me, as I climbed all manner of trees when a youngster, and became the inspiration for my poem. Also fell out of a few too and still bear the scars on my legs as witness! Mother seldom had sympathy and iodine - not as is found today "denatured" - even hate the smell of it today - was always her cure. My cries were regarded as signs of effective punishment and a deterrent for any future thoughts on doing it again! I will add, that this never worked as I loved to climb the huge Elms, Beeches and Sycamores that grew in the woods around my Dorset (UK) home!! The bigger the tree? The more determined was I to climb it! Poor Mother should have suffered many a heart attack after hearing of my exploits! Bird nesting the main reason for my climbing!

Father's approach? Boys will be boys and you will have to accept it! I've got stories and details of a number of such scrapes and incidents - such as being marooned on a pond on a wooden door "raft" after reading Robinson Crusoe! Mother had to wade in and rescue me and my buddy Ron!

Many of these are recorded for my children and grand children, in my five volumes of Memoirs. Should buckle down ad add a few more paragraphs as many such memories of other incidents keep returning ! Sign of advancing years I guess. Lol!

Heavy snows have fallen overnight, so now it's time to get the shovel out and clear the decks!

Hope you enjoy your day?

Fondest regards. Ciao Denis aka Rhymer.

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