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Mosaic Musings...interactive poetry reviews _ IPBC Archive _ MM's IBPC Selections for June Competition

Posted by: Cleo_Serapis May 9 09, 08:09

This is a re-posting from Psyche to have this poem sent along for the June IBPC comp.

Hi all,

I would like to nominate Steve's poem I consider it extremely clever and deftly worded. The 'elephant' is still with us, and I'm glad Steve brought up this issue so poetically.

Hugs, Syl***

A Gray Area by Stephen Pray

No one notices his presence,
pretending nonexistence.
Even I, who know better,
refuse that patch of gray
seen in peripheral vision.

Talking in hushed tones
as if he wouldn’t hear,
his ears are huge,
how could he not?

And each endearing step
sends shudders through my bones.
As in his dance,
he gracelessly pounds the floor.

In the shocking silence
that ripples back and forth
through the room,
I hear him snuffling at canapés and petit fours.

Perhaps their red-rimmed eyes block the view,
or maybe as a child only I know…
the elephant is there.

Posted by: Cleo_Serapis May 9 09, 08:11

This is a re-posting from Eisa to have this poem sent along for the June IBPC comp.

I would like to nominate by Larry. This is a beautifully written sonnet from a very original idea.
Well done Larry

A Seed by Larry Jennings

Here in my Mother’s heart I lie asleep,
sweet shelter from Her minion’s icy breath,
I wait beneath Her umber skin. Too deep
to hear that song; a howling dirge of death

for those, wind kissed. Light’s portals ever close!
No more to feel the sunshine’s warming touch
the coming showers carry down to those
as fortunate as I. New life is such

a precious gift. Each Spring I’m born anew
to feed the butterflies… bless eyes of men
who venture near my home. Those lucky few
that see my face, dew washed, in forest glen

are like my Mother’s heart which shelters me.
A seed of thought, kept safe in memory.

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